Getting the best from people means enabling their best thinking. This means knowing how to respect people, how to offer them the highest quality attention, how to ask Incisive Questions, how to recognise people's strengths and achievements, how to entice them beyond an addiction to certainty and into a preference for responsible risk. (more...)
Thinking Environment Coaching has been described by coaching experts as one of the most effective client-centered coaching methods. It puts the independent thinking of the client as its core focus. This method allows clients truly to think for themselves:
to go beyond dependence on the coach’s views, guidance or analysis
to come up with ideas, directions, understanding and solutions for themselves that can be staggeringly accurate, imaginative and practical.
Time To Think Facilitator Accreditation online 6 sessions - plus Practicum & supervision
This course is for those who want to be able to present and represent themselves as accredited Time To Think Facilitators. The Time To Think - Facilitator Course is the next step after the Foundation Course (which is a pre-requisite). The Facilitator Course teaches how to professionally present the Eight Applications of the Thinking Environment that are explored on the Foundation Course.
The Facilitator Course work is followed by the (included) Facilitator Practicum Programme, an extensive practicum of practice presentation of all eight applications and a Ten Components Essay, supervised by a Time To Think Faculty member so that maximum proficiency is achieved.
This course is for Executive leaders and their boards, team leaders, HR and OD managers who lead meetings. All those who want to encourage the best thinking and practice from their teams and get the best resulting actions from that thinking.
This session is an overview that teaches some of the tools that are covered in more in-depth Time To Think workshops. (more...)